Это бета версия, выпущенная для тестирования нового геймплея. Установка: положить в папку q3dir/cpma/ Работает сервак clan-octagon.com:27960,61,63,64 Notes for version 1.41 (04 May 07) BETA add: Slash's skates are affected by PM skin color add: DM scoreboard shows weapon shots add: player pings shown in the server browser chg: removed vote_allow_remove, callvote remove been broken for years and nobody noticed, so it's clearly dead weight chg: spectator speed increased to 480ups chg: CA/DA/CTFS modes explicitly set spawn health to 100 chg: BFG is droppable chg: removed the irrelevant "team color names" crud from many CTF messages (e.g. "PlayerA gets an assist for returning the >XYZ< flag") chg: server stats are output in XML (same format as Q4Max stats) thanks to cha0ticz, panni, and cmd for their work on this chg: NTF Heavies use Keel model and get SG instead of MG fix: dying while firing RG caused "ghost" rails on next switch to RG fix: rebound/OB could still happen on surfaces under shallow water DEV: RG is 1500ms reload, with damage scaling from 100 at point-blank down to 75 (linearly) at 768 units distance (LG range) and beyond DEV: RL has 125% knockback DEV: water speeds are significantly higher